

St Josephs has a student run cafe that operates every second Friday from 12:30pm. The cafe seats around 25 people and we welcome guests from our school community and the wider community to attend. 

The students under the cooking guidance of Matt Demarte along with our Year 5/6 teacher Ashleigh Gledhill assist the students in all areas of preparation of food through to the service side.

The cafe was created as a project that saw the need to enhance the schools existing contemporary philosophy of connecting learning to life. 

The Year 6 students involved with cafe plan, test, act and reflect. The cafe is instrumental in providing opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in many curriculum areas including science, literacy, numeracy and health. 

Our Cafe runs off donations so if you enjoyed your meal we ask that you make a donation to help us run the next cafe. Bookings for cafe are essential and we ask you to call the school office at St Joseph’s on 5983 9374. We ask that you give us the number of people attending, let us know if there are any little people needing a high chair and any dietary requirements. We need to know dietary requirements before the day so our students are able to cater for your needs. 

The students do a fantastic job along with their teachers to provide a great meal and experience. We love sharing our learning and our school with you. We hope to see you here at cafe soon.