In learning a language other than English (LOTE), students are given the opportunity to understand and/or move between different cultures. This is important for full participation in the modern world, especially in the context of increasing globalisation and Australia’s cultural diversity.At St Joseph’s we explore the language, culture and land of Indonesia. Senior students have Specialist classes each week and are immersed in the culture of our closest neighbours.
We have a Sister school in Lombok, Indonesia that children connect to through written correspondance and the through the sustainability focus of Mangrove preservation.
During our Indonesian Classes students aim to:
- Develop an understanding of a language and culture other than English (Indonesian)
- Develop an understanding of the cultural contexts in which the language is used, as well as the sharedmeanings, values and practices of the community as embodied in that language.
- Students develop an understanding of the way language works (its structure, the role it plays, and its effects), which they can apply to other languages, including English.
- While learning about another culture students make local and global connections to different communities and cultures.
See how we are integrating Asia literacy into our curriculum through connections with our mangroves below